


Do You Need Debt to Reach FIRE? How to Use Leverage to Build Wealth

Is paying off debt or investing (and potentially using more debt) the best way to reach FIRE? The average American has $104,215 in mortgages, student loans, credit cards, and other debt. Where do YOU stand? If the end goal is FIRE, you need a game plan for your debt, in which case this episode is for you!Welcome back to the BiggerPockets Money podcast! Not all debt is bad. When used responsibly, it can be a powerful tool that allows you to buy appreciating assets and hedge against inflation. Today, guest co-hosts Kyle Mast…

Can You Afford the American Dream?

The American Dream was once an everyday reality for most Americans. Now, it’s seemingly impossible for even high-income-earning households to achieve. What went wrong, and is it still possible for financially savvy families to realize the American Dream? A new article dissecting the cost of the American Dream shows that the white picket fence, single-family home, and two new cars cost significantly more than you might think.In this episode, we’re going over the eye-watering costs of the American Dream, the income you’ll need…

What is the biggest challenge brokers are facing?

At the recent WSIA event, Insurance Business caught up with a host of industry experts for the return of its Big Question series. In this edition the question is about the biggest challenge that brokers are facing in 2024. Hear from the likes of RPS, Nationwide, AXIS, Munich Re Specialty Insurance, Burns & Wilcox, CRC Insurance Services, Monarch E&S, Jencap, Westfield Specialty, Dellwood Insurance Group, Gorst & Compass Insurance, Liberty Mutual and Flow.